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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Psycology of Arguments

This post is a random musing, so do not read it if you are looking for something witty or clever. I will never post something that I learned from a book or heard from a professor, but came up with on my own. I may have verified it before posting. But copying something that I got out of a book would evade the purpose of posting these random musings.

The same event can be used to back either side of an argument.

Take a married couple. Person A wants to go to the park and Person B refuses. Later, if Person B wants to go to a movie, either one can cite the event to back their argument. Person A can say, "When I wanted to go somewhere, you refused. Therefore I have the right to refuse now." Person B can say, "When you wanted to go somewhere, you got mad at me for refusing. Therefore you do not have the right to refuse now."

This is almost too trivial to mention since it is complete common sense. But I have seen professors give lectures on infintesimaly insignifigant things.

This has been a random musing


Blogger tek1024 said...

Albert Camus, in his Notebooks, says the following that you might enjoy:

"Montherlant, who quotes at the beginning of Service Inutile a superb remark by Cardinal Darbout: `Your mistake lies in believing that man was put on this earth to do something.' And Montherlant draws from this some magnificent and bitter lessons in heroism. But one could draw exactly the opposite lesson from these words, and justify Diogenes or Ernest Renan. Only great thoughts are capable of such contradictory fruitfulness." [emphasis mine]

1:42 PM

Blogger tek1024 said...

Sorry, reference:

Pp. 152-153.

Camus, Albert (Thody, Philip, trans.). (1965). Notebooks 1935-1942. Random House [Modern Library Series]: New York.

1:53 PM


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