A Corbeled Gallery work

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Deterministic Universe (step six) Possibility of random events

After researching most of this proof, which I was originally very excited about because I thought of it on my own, I realized that I would not welcome a deterministic universe. Though one’s belief in a God should not be altered either way (as it remains in the scope of an omnipotent being to intervene on current events, pre-creation), I still find it disturbing that if I were to die tomorrow, no matter what I tried to do differently, all variables being the same, I would commit the same act.

It would only take one small random event, for determinism to be rendered untrue. A small random event could include an electron suddenly changing directions in violation of the conservation of energy and mass. Another example would be, a huge asteroid being conjured out of no where. Truly, all it takes is for the laws of physics to be broken at any time or place, no matter how small or how large the event.

The laws of physics break down in the two places where a quantity reaches infinity as another parameter approaches zero: any black hole, and any time before +0 seconds after the Big Bang. Both of these events are known as a singularity. The issue of a singularity arises from not having some kind of 'floor' built into a theory that keeps you from taking the limit of 1/x as x goes to zero. The way out is to apply a new theory that has such a floor, such as quantum mechanics or string theory.

The Big Bang was a truly random event. We have no law that could possibly determine the big bang’s initial configuration. One may argue that a blackhole is a truly random event.
Corresponding to each kind of particle, there is an associated antiparticle with the same mass and spin. Some particles, such as the photon, are identical to their antiparticle; such particles must have no electric charge, but not all charge-neutral particles are of this kind. The laws of nature were thought to be symmetric between particles and antiparticles until CP violation experiments found that time-reversal symmetry is violated in nature. The observed excess of baryons (the family of subatomic particles including the proton and the neutron) over anti-baryons in the universe is one of the primary unsolved problems in cosmology.
Particle-antiparticle pairs can annihilate each other if they are in appropriate quantum states. They can also be produced in various processes. These processes are used in today's particle accelerators to create new particles and to test theories of particle physics. High energy processes in nature can create antiparticles. These are visible in cosmic rays and in certain nuclear reactions. The word antimatter properly refers to (elementary) antiparticles, composite antiparticles made with them (such as antihydrogen) and to larger assemblies of either.
The closest thing we have to understanding the laws of a blackhole is Hawking Radiation, in which a particle/antiparticle pair are formed one can fall into a blackhole and the other is emitted.
But, this still is still little evidence of what happens beyond the event horizon (the border of the blackhole, where light is trapped orbiting the singularity). The No-Hair Conjecture within general relativity proved that a black hole has only three salient external characteristics: mass, angular momentum, and electric charge. All other properties (including baryon number, lepton number, strangeness, etc.) are destroyed as matter falls into the horizon. I feel the best possibility of a random event happening, would lay within a black hole, as a deterministic universe is made up of the laws of physics, and the laws of physics break down in a black hole.

An occurrence of freewill means that we can have completly random and chaotic ideas, potentially uninfluenced by anything in the past. Since emotion is based on amino acids, and thoughts are based on neuron transmissions, a completely chaotic thought would break the laws of physics. This means that ideas would come out of no where, and we would be able to turn these ideas or thoughts into actions. Because of the domino effect described earlier, if our thoughts were brought to us from nothingness, that means that brain cells or atoms that were previously acting on a certain path, would suddenly change depending on the newly formed idea.

When a truely random thought occurs -- starting with one brain cell and continuing until it reaches all cells and all beings -- the sum of chaos ascends towards infinity. At the same time, the ability to predict the future approaches zero. If free thought is in fact possible, then it becomes the third place where the laws of physics breaks down.

To put it bluntly, experiencing freewill would take an act of God to be performed. Freewill does not exist unless physical law is broken at any stage during the thought process.


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