A Corbeled Gallery work

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Rotating Cube in 4D

Mike showed me an interesting picture that he found at some math site that shows the stereographic projection of a rotating four dimensional cube onto a three dimensional hyperplane. Imagine the cube as a wire frame in three dimensions. The picture you see on the screen is an additional projection onto a two-dimensional plane. This is relevant because it shows how time can be cyclical. (The 4th dimension is time) For everyone who wonder how the universe can exist without a beginning or end, you may find this of interest as well.


Blogger jm said...

Of course time is the 4th dimension. This isn't something you can argue.

Of course isn't a 4d cube, because it is a 2d (flat) image, trying to give the appearance of a 3rd dimension object illustrating 4th dimensional movement.

I have never seen a better representation of a 4d rotating cube, and if you can show one better, I will gladly replace the image and credit you

4:10 PM


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